
Bench Plans A set of plans for a wooden bench. Plans by Jonathan Ariail. Graphic layout by Julia Ariail.

In June 2021, our family made two of these benches and donated them to Honey Creek, the retreat center of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia.

Bench plans (PDF file, 1MB)


The Journal of Catesby Ap Roger Jones, 1843-1845 

Catesby Ap Roger Jones (1821-1877) served as an officer in the United States Navy from 1836 to 1861, then accepted a commission in the Confederate Navy until 1865. He was commanding officer of the C.S.S. Virginia (Merrimac) and afterward served as an ordnance officer at Columbus, Ga., Charlotte, N.C., and Selma, Ala., where he married Gertrude T. Tartt and settled after the war.

We worked with some of his descendents to locate the original journal of his experiences in the U.S. Navy from 1843-45, to enhance the pages of the journal for improved legibility, and to reconstruct an information table of his naval journeys to include in a transcript of the journal. Published March 2021.

Complete text of the diary with pages enhanced for legibility (PDF file, 11MB)

Complete text of the diary as archived in the Special Collections department of the library at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (PDF file, 23MB)

Complete transcript of the diary (PDF file, 18MB)

Letter from Thomas Skelton Jones mentioning Catesby Ap Roger Jones, December 18, 1859. From a family note about this letter: ” Capt. Thomas Skelton Jones. Born 30 December 1837 in Washington, D.C. Served in U.S. Navy as a clerk during 3 year cruise on the Germantown, visiting the East Indies, China and Japan. When VA seceded, he served as Capt in the Confederate Army. After was engaged in mercantile businesses and settled in Macon, GA.”

Scan of the letter, original color (PDF file, 550KB)

Scan of the letter, enhanced for legibility (PDF file, 2.5MB)


Parish Profile for Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta GA

The parish profile created for the search for a rector for Christ Episcopal Church following the retirement of the Rev. Peter L. Ingeman in 2012. Search committee members: Michael Black; Allan Dear; Phyllis Holland, chairperson; Jeani Synyard, vestry liaison; Mike Tanner; Helen Tucker; and Nikki Yarbrough. Graphic layout by Julia Ariail. Published August 2013.

Complete text of the pamphlet (PDF file, 3MB)

Altar Guild Handbook for Christ Episcopal Church, Valdosta GA

A handbook for use by the Altar Guild. Graphic layout by Julia Ariail. Published September 2009.

Complete text of the pamphlet (PDF file, 2.5MB)